Monday, 30 April 2012

Baked Yoghurt with Mango

Last Saturday I was invited to a friends birthday party. While enjoying some nice red wine we started talking about cooking and our view at it. We all agree that cooking has something therapeutic to it. Even though the reasons were rather different. Some said it it because it is something you do by yourself, others said because it clears your head. I agree with both versions but for me it is therapeutic because I can get rid of any frustration by beating egg whites by hand and secondly because it wakes all my senses.
For me cooking has something very sensual to it. The feel of the different textures of the ingredients, the different tastes of herbs and spices when they get together, even the sizzling of hot oil and not to forget the vibrant colours of fresh vegetables. Something for all senses.

We were also talking about eating with your hands rather than eating with cutlery.
Traditionally people here in India eat with their right hand, the left is considered as unclean. Interestingly in many countries in Europe any food that you touch will be held with the left hand because it is considered impolite to shake hands with a dirty right hand.
People here in India also say that the food is tastes better and is easier to digest if you eat with your hand. As a reason they state that the moisture of your hands and the enzymes in it have an influence on the chemical structure of the food. I so far have not found any scientific proof for that.
For me personally it depends on what I eat where and with who. For example, Saturdays birthday cake was a chocolate cream cake with a chocolate ganache on the outside. And was served in a bar. I decided to eat it with my hands. It just tasted so much better and not to forget the childlike happiness when you can lick your fingers after such a treat. It has something lustful to it. On the other hand would it have been served in a sit down restaurant I definitely would have eaten it with a fork.
Bottom line on the this subject is you should adapt to your surrounding an follow their customs because what is good manners in one place might be bad manners in another. As long as you enjoy the food with all your senses.

This brings me to another reason why I enjoy cooking so much. The sharing of the food along with some nice drinks and wonderful conversations among friends. I say, that is the best reason of all that cooking is therapeutic.

And for those f you that evening who discovered the joy of cooking just recently here a quick and easy recipe for a light summer dessert. Just in time for mango season.

For four portions I take 800g yoghurt an pour them into a strainer lined with cheese cloth of a white fabric napkin and let it stand with a bowl underneath it overnight in the fridge. The result is a nice firm hung curd which has the texture of cream cheese or quark.
The liquid that is collected in the bowl is very healthy and refreshing and tastes great when mixed with some juice like guava or mango.

I peel 2 mid size mangoes and cut the flesh into 1cm dices. I found potato peeler a great tool for that as you do not waste any of the gorgeous fruit. To the mango I add 5-6 tablespoons vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, mix it well and let it stand in the fridge for about 1 hour.

At this point I start pre-heating the oven to 175°C. I take 4 oven proof dessert bowls and split the mango evenly among them. In a mixing bowl I mix 60g egg with 2 levelled tablespoons vanilla sugar and 2 tablespoons warm water. This mixture I beat until all sugar is dissolved and I have a pale yellow foam. Add the hung yoghurt to it and mix it well. This mixture I spoon carefully over the mango so that the fruit is sealed in by the yoghurt cream.

Bake it in the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until the yoghurt mixture is set and starts getting brown at the edges.

You can serve this either warm or well chilled.

Enjoy and have fun in the kitchen!


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